Dr Jen. Alexander, scientist and owner of dr.jen knows skin


What empowers you? 

My belief that all things are possible with determination, hard work, prayer and positive energy.

Who inspires you? 

Women that walk in their truth and are unapologetically themselves. 

What was your initial reason for getting into the industry you're in now? 

My infatuation with cosmetics and the science behind creating them.

What do you love most about Baltimore?  

It’s character and grit.

What was your favorite song to listen to on set of the photo shoot? 

Freedom by Beyonce.

What's your ultimate goal career wise? 

To build a skincare empire that i can not only pass on to my two girls but that shifts the mindset about the importance of skincare relative to overall health.

What do you want your legacy to be? 

That I loved hard, inspired others, lived my dreams and left no stone unturned.